Product Website
Use for a product that has its own website and domain, separate from its parent organization's domain. Useful for spin-offs and other types of products that came from a company, but has its own domain, branding, marketing, etc.
1<!-- Schema: Product Website -->
2<script type = "application/ld+json" >
4 "@context": "",
5 "@type": "Product",
6 "@id": "",
7 "url": "",
8 "name": "Flusponsive Design System",
9 "brand": {"@id": ""},
10 "offers": {
11 "@type": "Offer",
12 "priceCurrency": "USD",
13 "price": "0",
14 "seller": {"@id": ""}
15 },
16 "logo": {
17 "@type": "ImageObject",
18 "@id": "",
19 "url": "",
20 "width": 600,
21 "height": 156
22 },
23 "image": "",
24 "description": "Flusponsive is a perfectly proportional design system that combines fluid and responsive web concepts into one system that ensures every image, element and component is always perfectly and proportionally sized on every screen, device and browser.",
25 "slogan": [
26 "Perfectly Proportional Design System",
27 "Pixel Perfect Design System",
28 "Overpowered Pixels"
29 ],
30 "category": "Front-End Web Design System",
31 "keywords": "Responsive Web Design, Web Development, Design Systems, Fluid Design, Proportional Design, Mobile-First Design, CSS Framework, Front-End Development, Web Components, Adaptive Design",
32 "additionalType": [
33 "",
34 "",
35 "",
36 ""
37 ],
38 "isSimilarTo": [
39 {"@type": "Product", "url": ""},
40 {"@type": "Product", "url": ""}
41 ],
42 "audience": [
43 {"@type": "Audience","audienceType": "Web Designers"},
44 {"@type": "Audience","audienceType": "Web Developers"}
45 ],
46 "countryOfOrigin": {
47 "@type": "Country",
48 "name": "USA"
49 },
50 "sameAs": ""